
Whenlightistransmittedthroughalayerofmagneto-opticmaterial,theresultiscalledtheFaradayeffect:theplaneofpolarizationcanberotated,forming ...,Thisbookisdesignedtoprovidegraduatestudentsandresearchbeginnerswithanintroductoryreviewofrecentdevelopmentsinthefieldofmicroscopicmagneto ...,Magneto-optical(MO)materialsareauniqueclassofrare-earthirongarnetswithanidealstoichiometryofR3Fe5O12,whicharesuita...

Magneto-optic effect

When light is transmitted through a layer of magneto-optic material, the result is called the Faraday effect: the plane of polarization can be rotated, forming ...


This book is designed to provide graduate students and research beginners with an introductory review of recent developments in the field of microscopic magneto ...


Magneto-optical (MO) materials are a unique class of rare-earth iron garnets with an ideal stoichiometry of R3Fe5O12, which are suitable for ...

Modern Magnetophotonic Materials and their Applications

New magneto-optical materials were synthesized including the most popular ones, iron garnets [7].

Magneto-optics of layered two

The field of magneto-optics broadly deals with the interaction of electromagnetic waves with magnetism. Since many decades, it has played a ... Magneto

Researchers come together in this book, first published in 2005, to highlight advances in the fabrication of magneto-optical materials and their integration ...

Magneto-Optical Materials for Photonics and Recording

書名:Magneto-Optical Materials for Photonics and Recording,語言:英文,ISBN:9781107409101,頁數:306,作者:Ando, Koji (EDT)/ Challener, William (EDT)/ Gambino, ...


Magneto-optics refers to the study and manipulation of the interaction between magnetic fields and light (electromagnetic radiation).

A comprehensive study of magneto

Magneto-optics deals with interaction of light with matter when the magnetic-optic material is subjected to an external magnetic field. The presence of external ...